Watersports with professional instruction and personal care.
Windsurf courses for absolute beginners. Individual training with success and fun. All lessons include trainer, equipment and boat escort. Max. 1-2 persons
per hour. You will windsurf already in the first hour!
Beginner course 1 hour 1 pers. 45 €
3-hour course 1 hour 1 pers. 120 €
8-hour basic course 1 pers. 240 €
WWS windsurfing license fee 30 €
Rental board / sails 1 hour 25 €
Sofa, Ringos, Flyer, Banana-Ride behind the speedboat.
Lots of fun for kids & adults
10 min. per person 20 €
Waterski-/ Wakeboard Training for beginners. Step by step with
learning-metalbar on the boat for easy starts and balance. Individuell, and private training.
In all courses included are Ski / Wakeboard, Neoprensuit, Neoprenwest and drinkingwater.
Beginner course max. 40 min. 70 €
Refresher course max. 25 min. 50 €
Session Doubleski max. 10 min. 40 €
Session Monoski max. 10 min. 45 €
Jetski 110 HP for 1 or 2 persons
15 min. 40 / 45 €
Stand up paddling with instruction.
1 hour per person 20 €
Double / single cayak 1 hour 15 €
Private Yacht Sailing training - Apply and expand your sailing knowledge
4 hours course 480 € private tuition
including lunch and drinks